Letter to our Parishioners – Reopening of the Church for Private Prayer

Dear Parishioners,

We are glad to let you know that the reopening of our Church for private prayer will begin from Thursday 18th June, 2020. In preparation for this we have been asked to put certain things in place to maintain safety, hygiene and proper social distancing.

On your part as parishioners, volunteers will be needed to serve as stewards/cleaners during private prayers and for when we eventually reopen for Masses. For now, we plan to open the Church on:

Thursdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Saturdays 3pm to 4pm

Mondays 10am to 11am

Each session will be followed my approximately 30 minutes of cleaning. We regret no one over the age of 70 will be allowed to steward/clean. If you are aged between 18-69 years, not showing any COVID 19 symptoms and are willing and able to help during these times, please email Paula on newbarnet@rcdow.org.uk and let us know your availability.

Please continue to take good care of yourselves.

With you in prayers,

Fr James

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