First Holy Communion

The First Holy Communion marks a child’s first reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Generally, children receive these Sacraments in School Year 3 (beginning in a September), which is at around 7 or 8 years of age, but if you feel your child is not ready, then it can be later within Primary School.

Before one can receive the Eucharist for the first time, the sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Confession) has to be received by the candidate. Our programme has planned 2 Sacraments of Reconciliations for the child: one before Christmas and one right before the final Communion mass.

Our First Holy Communion Programme

The sessions are on Sunday mornings, starting right after our 9.30am mass; attending this mass is part of the course. The children will be put in small groups (named after a Saint) with a Catechist in charge, and we try to mix up the groups that people from the same school are not sitting with their friends, but get to know new friends. The 12 sessions take place every two weeks during term time and last one hour. The parents are expected to wait in the Parish Centre for their child, where their will also get a religious input. There will be one additional meeting on a Sunday morning for the child for a tour of the church with the Parish priest. Additionally there will be two or three religious talks for the parents from professional speakers of a religious order. The parents are expected to plan and help with the Christmas fayre of the Parish, and with the Fairtade breakfast in March. At the end of the course we are going to have a “Going Forth Mass” for all children in their dress and suits again, when we celebrate together the completion of the course as a group. All details on the course, as well as the book used in the session, will be given to you once your child is enrolled.

Extra curriculum for Children attending non-Catholic Schools as part of the First Communion course

If your child is attending a non-Catholic school, we have four extra sessions as part of the curriculum of the First Holy Communion preparation: two Advent sessions, and two sessions in Lent. These sessions will take place on a Sunday afternoon. For these session you will not need the course book.

Course Fee

Once you have been notified that your child has been accepted, you will need to send the Course Fee of £60.00. Included in this price is the book and a group photo by a professional photographer. The boy’s tie for the final mass will come extra (£5). Further information will give you the Parish Office.

How and when to enrol

The enrolment to our First Holy Communion course is usually for 4 weeks and takes place before the summer break. The enrolment dates are also announced in our weekly church newsletter. The enrolment will be via the online forms only, which will be put here once the enrolment starts.

In order to enrol you have to be a registered in our Parish and be on our Parish Census Form. The Parish database contains current information of the parishioners and their family members. New parishioners have to register first. Please contact the Parish Office to register. If you currently belong to another Pairish, this means that basically change your Parish. It is standard procedure when participating in sacramental programmes you need to be on the Parish Census.

The First Holy Communion Course 2024-2025

The enrolment of the new First Holy Communion course 2024-2025 will be from Sunday, 9th June to Saturday, 21st September 2024. 

The first First Holy Communion session will be end of September 2024. There will also be a parents’ meeting before the session starts in which the programme will be explained. The class timetable will be sent out to the parents in July. The parents will receive the name of the group in which their child will be only a couple of days before the parents’ meeting in September. The mass, in which the children will receive their First Holy Communion, will be in May / June 2025. 

Enrolment Forms

To enrol all three forms have to be filled out: (forms will be put here once the enrolment starts):
1. First Holy Communion Enrolment Form
Consent To The Safe Use Of Images Form
3. Code Of Conduct For Children And Young People Form
For the enrolment you have to upload the child’s birth and the Baptism certificate.


If you have any questions, please email our Catechetical Coordinator, Diana Nefiodow, via this email