Dear Parishioners,
You will be aware of announcements from the Government and from the Diocese regarding the current situation. As a result, we will be stopping public Masses from Friday 20th March until further notice.
From Monday 23rd March 2020 until further notice, the Church and Our Lady’s Chapel will both be locked. No one is permitted to enter either area as per the latest Government Guidelines.
We will be broadcasting one Mass a week live from the Church via YouTube at 11am every Sunday. It will be available to watch live, and then to download afterwards.
You will be able to access these Masses via the Parish website here:
Or directly on YouTube here:
Please do try to make the time to watch, live if possible, and please do give us your feedback via email so we know you are there.
Please also stay in contact with the Parish during this time, whether by phone or email. If you are experiencing difficulties of any kind, please let us know and through the various groups in the Parish we will do all we can to help. Equally, if you are willing and able to help others through their difficulties please do let us know via the Parish email or phone.
With you in prayers,
Fr James, Fr Dominic, Fr. Terkura & all at St Peters.