Spirit in the City Festival – 12th-15th June 2013

Catholic Faith Celebration in West End Churches and in the heart of London 12-15 June 2013. Come and join us for the four-day celebration of our Catholic faith, including the ‘Awakening’ opening show in the Leicester Square Theatre, inspiring speakers: Mgr. John Armitage, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow; workshops, processions, prayer and festival events.

Saturday 15th June: Catholic festival in Leicester Square with an entire afternoon of live music, Eucharistic Adoration, reconciliation service and workshops. For detailed programme see the leaflets or visit www.spiritinthecity.org.

Email: info@spiritinthecity.org
Tel: 020 7440 2663

Guild of Our Lady – Saturday 8th June 2013

The Annual Requiem Mass for Deceased Members of the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom will take place at the Church of St Anselm and St Cecilia, Kingsway, London WC2 at 11.00am on Saturday, 8th June 2013, and will be followed by the 89th Annual Business Meeting to be held in the Parish Room.

A Thank You from our Social Club Committee

The social club committee would like to thank all the parishioners who have supported this years events so far, with your help we have been able to give the parish £2000 since December 2012.

Recent events included a music night in the Parish Centre where musicians of the parish took turns in creating the entertainment. Then came the free International Day where our magician John entertained and amazed parishioners with lots of close up magic. The Abba night was enjoyed by those who attended and £165 was raised for the parish. The pamper night was a huge success and our 5 therapists, who donated their time, were greatly appreciated and all who came had an enjoyable and relaxing evening. This event raised in excess of £550.

Please continue to sup-port your parish, share with the committee your ideas and lend a hand for an hour to help out at a forth coming event.

Elvis Night – Saturday 15th June

ElvisA great evening of entertainment! Elvis came to New Barnet in the form of “The Jon Burrows Experience” and seeing was believing! Well done to Andy Cummins, his family and the social club for organising this legendary event!

Whilst primarily a social event, any profits will be split equally between parish general funds and The Spiritans missionary project in Tanzania.

St.Patrick’s Quiz night

Our quiz night was a great success.   As we began the evening, we were entertained by some very talented Irish dancers. The quiz had been well contested and the scores were very close. Our winning team is pictured below:


A big thank you to all of those who came to enjoy themselves and the dedicated members of the social club for organising the event.  This event raised  approximately £400 towards the hall rebuilding fund.