Thoughts on the Gospel – 12th May 2013

A message for all people

One of the defining features of the Gospel of Luke is the fact that the message preached and practised by Jesus made salvation available to all people. At times in the gospel some of the Jewish audience became quite angry at Jesus because he said that pagans and gentiles were also included in the salvation he promised – something they regarded as exclusive to the ‘chosen’ people. The two accounts of the Ascension make very clear that the message and ministry of Jesus are to be carried to all nations – even to the ends of the earth!


Catholic Communications

Today, Ascension Sunday On World Communications Day we are asked to keep those who work in the media in our prayers. There will be a second collection for the Catholic Communications Network (CCN), the media office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales. The CCN provides support for the bishops of England & Wales and the Church more widely in promoting the Gospel through the media on current issues. Please help the CCN promote the Good News through the media, by your prayers and generosity.

Planned Giving Envelopes

There are still a large number of planned giving envelopes ready for collection in the church porch. If you have not collected your set, please take them home with you today. If you are not signed up to planned giving envelopes and would like to use them, please contact the parish office.

Thoughts on the Gospel – 5th May 2013


Jesus promises his peace to the disciples in today’s gospel passage. However, some people argue that the world has not known that peace in the time since then. Some Jewish people cite this as one of their arguments against Jesus being regarded as the promised Messiah. One of the prophecies about the Messiah was that there would be universal peace once the Messiah arrived. Those who argue against Jesus as the Messiah point to the fact that since the time of Jesus, not a single day has gone by in our history in which there has not been some war or conflict occurring somewhere on earth.

Sacramental Cards

We have a good selection of First Holy Communion and Confirmation cards and rosary beads for sale in the Repository.

The Repository is opened after all weekend and weekday masses.

Parish Centenary

Centenary Mass with Archbishop Nichols

Centenary Mass with Archbishop Nichols

9th September 2012 – Parish Centenary Mass