Parish Social Club Annual General Meeting

Please join us for this year’s Parish Social Club AGM on Saturday 9th November at 2pm in the Parish Centre. It is hoped that everyone will then be able to attend – families are welcome. Refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you. If you want to get involved and play a role in your parish please fill in the detachable slip at the bot-tom of the letter that can be found in the church porch..

Hall Refurbishment – Phase 2

PROGRESS OF REFURBISHMENT OF THE HALL – On the 12th & 13th October you are invited to view the progress of the hall’s refurbishment after all Masses. Please do make time to come along and see an update of the building works.


Parish Sponsored Walk

advert poster 2

Looking for Peace?

The parish Peace Garden is taking shape and we now have two benches for you to sit and relax. The ‘Peace Garden’ is situated in a peaceful location in the presbytery garden. There are more jobs to do for the Peace Garden, so if you are able to offer your time, or can donate any plants, please speak to Stephen Hill or contact the parish office.

Thank you.

Guild of Our Lady – Saturday 8th June 2013

The Annual Requiem Mass for Deceased Members of the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom will take place at the Church of St Anselm and St Cecilia, Kingsway, London WC2 at 11.00am on Saturday, 8th June 2013, and will be followed by the 89th Annual Business Meeting to be held in the Parish Room.

‘IF’ Campaign

Be part of the ‘IF’ campaign to tackle world hunger. If certain conditions were fulfilled e.g. Government stop big companies dodging tax in poor countries and poor farmers are not forced off their land all could have enough to eat. Sign the CAFOD campaign cards before world leaders meet for the G8 in Enniskillen on 17/18th June. They have the power to change this. Signing will take place on Sunday 2nd June after all Masses.

A Thank You from our Social Club Committee

The social club committee would like to thank all the parishioners who have supported this years events so far, with your help we have been able to give the parish £2000 since December 2012.

Recent events included a music night in the Parish Centre where musicians of the parish took turns in creating the entertainment. Then came the free International Day where our magician John entertained and amazed parishioners with lots of close up magic. The Abba night was enjoyed by those who attended and £165 was raised for the parish. The pamper night was a huge success and our 5 therapists, who donated their time, were greatly appreciated and all who came had an enjoyable and relaxing evening. This event raised in excess of £550.

Please continue to sup-port your parish, share with the committee your ideas and lend a hand for an hour to help out at a forth coming event.

Catholic Communications

Today, Ascension Sunday On World Communications Day we are asked to keep those who work in the media in our prayers. There will be a second collection for the Catholic Communications Network (CCN), the media office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales. The CCN provides support for the bishops of England & Wales and the Church more widely in promoting the Gospel through the media on current issues. Please help the CCN promote the Good News through the media, by your prayers and generosity.

Planned Giving Envelopes

There are still a large number of planned giving envelopes ready for collection in the church porch. If you have not collected your set, please take them home with you today. If you are not signed up to planned giving envelopes and would like to use them, please contact the parish office.

Sacramental Cards

We have a good selection of First Holy Communion and Confirmation cards and rosary beads for sale in the Repository.

The Repository is opened after all weekend and weekday masses.