Cardinal Vincent: Letter about new Coronavirus Restrictions

Please click on the link below to download the letter:

Cardinal Vincent: Letter about new Coronavirus Restrictions

New Lockdown Information – November 2020

After the vote in parliament yesterday we again find ourselves in the situation where starting tomorrow, 5th November, congregational services are not allowed.

We are however allowed to open the Church for Private Prayer sessions.

These sessions will be as  follows;

Saturdays 3pm-4pm

Mondays 10am-11am

Wednesdays 7pm -8pm

You will still need to book to attend as before. Please email Paula on before Thursday evening to book into any of the following week’s Private Prayer sessions.

During lockdown we will be continuing to stream 11am mass live every Sunday.  All online masses can be accessed via the parish YouTube channel, the link to which can be found on our VIRTUAL MASS page.

We will also be broadcasting the 9.30 Children’s Liturgy service every fortnight on Zoom.  The next one will be on Sunday 15th November and the link for that will be distributed nearer the time.


CAFOD APPEAL: The effects of Coronavirus are devastating to the poorest communities who will be pushed further into poverty.

Families without enough to eat, without clean water and healthcare are particularly vulnerable.

Your prayers and gifts are urgently needed to protect them. Please donate online at

Letter to our Parishioners – Reopening of the Church for Private Prayer

Dear Parishioners,

We are glad to let you know that the reopening of our Church for private prayer will begin from Thursday 18th June, 2020. In preparation for this we have been asked to put certain things in place to maintain safety, hygiene and proper social distancing.

On your part as parishioners, volunteers will be needed to serve as stewards/cleaners during private prayers and for when we eventually reopen for Masses. For now, we plan to open the Church on:

Thursdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Saturdays 3pm to 4pm

Mondays 10am to 11am

Each session will be followed my approximately 30 minutes of cleaning. We regret no one over the age of 70 will be allowed to steward/clean. If you are aged between 18-69 years, not showing any COVID 19 symptoms and are willing and able to help during these times, please email Paula on and let us know your availability.

Please continue to take good care of yourselves.

With you in prayers,

Fr James

The Holy Spirit – A Prayer Video for Pentecost

As we continue our journey towards Pentecost, Fr Pat Browne and Patrick Van Der Vost have prepared a video meditation on the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, using Christian art and music.

The video was prepared to help us as we spend time in prayer on the Vigil of Pentecost, as the Cardinal has encouraged us to do.


Cardinal Vincent’s Message on the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si’

As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical, Laudato Si’, Cardinal Vincent encourages us in this video to enter into its spirit and to learn what simple everyday steps we can take to shift the balance of our environment.

Cardinal Vincent Laudato Si’ Week Message from Catholic Westminster on Vimeo.

Cardinal Vincent: Pray fervently for the coming of the Holy Spirit

On the Solemnity of the Ascension, Cardinal Vincent recorded this message, reflecting on these days leading up to Pentecost and encouraging everyone to spend time in fervent, focused prayer on the Vigil of Pentecost, Saturday 30th May, for the coming of the Holy Spirit.


Our Annual Novena to the Holy Spirit

Begins after the Ascension of the Lord on Friday 22nd May.

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Thursday 14th May – Day of Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity

Pope Francis invites us, this Thursday 14th May, to join with believers of all religions and people of goodwill in a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity.

The Holy Father calls us to unite ourselves to an initiative which comes from the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.  Cardinal Miguel Ayuso Guixot, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, communicates Pope Francis’s wish in a letter dated 6th May (of which a copy is attached) suggesting it is an opportunity to “witness to the greatness of faith in God that unites divided hearts and elevates the human soul.”  The Communique from the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity is also attached: you may wish to publish it on your parish website.

Consecrating this day to the Lord is of a piece with the practice, recently introduced on Thursdays in England and Wales, of one of our Bishops celebrating Mass for NHS workers and carers in all settings.  These Masses take place a little ahead of the 8.00 p.m. applause: we pray in thanksgiving for the courage and generosity of these front-line workers, asking the Lord to sustain them in their vital work.  Mass this Thursday will be celebrated by Bishop Robert Byrne CO, Bishop of Hexham & Newcastle; and will be live-streamed at 7.00 p.m. on

Download the letter from The Vatican here:

[Download not found]

VE Day Announcement

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day this Friday, the Cardinal will celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass in Westminster Cathedral, which will be live-streamed. There will be a two-minutes’ silence at 11am, followed directly by Mass. All are welcome to follow the live stream at any one of the following:

Churchservices TV directly:

Westminster Cathedral home page:

Diocesan website (where the livestream will be available from 10.45am):

The Mass will also be recorded so that it can also be viewed later.